Thanks for your interest in the frogg toggs Field Staff. Our team is made up of an enthusiastic group of folks who love the outdoors and are excited to share their experiences with the rest of the world. At frogg toggs, our Field Staff is broken into two divisions:
What It Means To Be A frogg toggs Field Staffer
The field staff is the backbone of our brand and the first step in a relationship with frogg toggs. Field staff members are brand lovers who believe in frogg toggs and tell all their friends about us on a regular basis on social media, in the duck blind, or even in the car line to pick up their kids at school! They love sharing why they chose frogg toggs with anyone who will listen. An approved Field Staff Member will enjoy a discount on their purchases and all we ask is that they continue to tell the world why they put their weekend adventures in the hands of a frogg toggs product on their favorite social channel.
Our Field Staff Program is full for 2023.
What It Means To Be A frogg toggs Ambassador Team Member
Frogg Toggs Ambassadors represent the next level of frogg toggs brand storytellers. Ambassadors have the ability to shoot and provide access to high-quality content for the brand. They use our products regularly and offer substantial engagement with their social media channels. Ambassadors receive frogg toggs products for free and therefore are expected to do the following: 1. Engage in social media activity on at least one of the following sites: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, or YouTube. 2. Provide high-quality imagery of the product received. 3. Represent the brand with a high level of integrity.
Our Ambassador Program is full for 2023.